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At Trafalgar Middle School we are proud of our students. We strive to provide a safe and caring environment for positive learning and to inspire good citizenship in our students. The intent of this Code is to ensure that no student will infringe upon the rights of another student to learn. As such, our School Code of Conduct applies to students while at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment (e.g. online activity). 

Guiding Principles for this Code of Conduct:

  • Progressive Discipline. The range of responses to misbehavior will be specific to each incident, built on the premise of restitution, and may vary depending on individual student needs. This means that the point at which an intervention begins will vary with the severity of the incident, and may take into consideration a student’s prior history of misbehavior. Not all steps are necessary in all situations. For example, a teacher may simply confer with a student or may choose to refer the matter to a school counselor, principal or vice-principal. Some issues, such as repeated classroom misbehavior, may result in increasingly greater consequences depending on the student’s response to teacher intervention.
  • Proactive Measures. Wherever possible we try to implement strategies and structures to support positive student behavior and enable them to make positive choices around their behavior.
  • Communication. between the students, teachers and parents – we are partners in helping students be successful at school.
  • Prevention of Retaliation. All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who made a complaint of a breach of our School Code of Conduct
  • BC Human Rights. Trafalgar Middle School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, gender or sexual orientation – in the school environment.
  • Special Consideration. In application of our school’s code of conduct, special consideration may apply to students with Special Needs if those students are unable to comply   due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory emotional or behavioral nature. The primary focus is to create a culture of a Safe, Caring and Orderly school (as presented in Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools, A Guide (2004/2008).

Trafalgar Middle School has adopted the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) model to help support all of its students to feel safe and engaged academically, socially, emotionally, and mentally.

Trafalgar's 'Code of Conduct' Three Basic Tenets:

  • Take responsibility.

  • Make respectful choices.

  • Stay safe.

In each of the following environments, this looks/sounds like:


During class time…

  • Moving through hallways in an orderly, quiet fashion (in a line, behind the teacher,mouths are quiet).
  • When moving from one place to another, go straight there and back (not interrupting other classes along the way).

During breaks…

  • Walk at all times.
  • Use polite & appropriate language.
  • Litter placed in garbage cans.
  • Allow space for ‘traffic flow’.


  • Respect for all staff (following all directions right away).
  • Place all litter placed in garbage cans.
  • Use polite & appropriate language.
  • Stay within the boundaries of the school grounds.


  • Participate–get actively involved!
  • Positively support others.
  • Leave all valuable items in your locker.
  • Use equipment properly/safely.
  • Put all equipment away neatly after use.
  • Use polite & appropriate language.


  • Arrive on time, prepared to learn and participate.
  • Bring materials needed for learning.
  • Follow directions right away.
  • Use polite & appropriate language.
  • Clean your workspace after use (push in chairs, pick up garbage).
  • Respect digital device status of the classroom (red sign means no devices!)
  • Allow others around you the opportunity to focus and complete their work.


  • Use polite & appropriate language. Thank the library clerk!
  • Leave the space tidy (chairs in, paper recycled, unwanted books on the cart).
  • Keep the shelves tidy (do not reshelve books–put them on librarian desk).
  • Use your ‘library voice’ or remain quiet (depending on the activity).


  • Use focused & respectful listening.
  • Appropriate applause (stomping, whistling, booing are not appropriate).
  • Enter & leave the gym in a quiet line.
  • Use polite & appropriate language.


  • Use polite & appropriate language. Remember your table manners.
  • Use your ‘conversational’ voice. You wouldn’t yell at your dinner table at home.
  • Clean your space after eating (wipe any messes, litter placed in garbage can).
  • Stay in an orderly line-up to receive hot lunches.
  • Always walking in the cafeteria.
  • Sitting only on the benches provided.


  • Use polite & appropriate language. Thank the driver!
  • Face forward at all times.
  • Keep the aisles clear (no backpacks, legs, arms across the aisles).
  • Remain in your seat (no switching or standing while bus is in motion).
  • Use your quiet ‘inside’ voice.
  • Line up orderly when boarding and exiting the bus.
  • Take your garbage with you (or place in garbage can on the bus when exiting).
  • Keep hands, heads, inside the bus at all times.
  • Always follow the instructions of the driver.


  • Use polite & appropriate language.
  • Remain behind the line until bus has completely stopped and doors are open.
  • Allow others to exit before boarding the bus.


  • Use polite & appropriate language. Remember your manners!
  • Stay together, teacher goes first, especially when crossing streets.
  • Respect the rights of other community members to share the space.
  • Place your litter in garbage cans.
  • Remain on sidewalks, move to the side when encountering other pedestrians.
  • Do not go onto private property at any time.


Discipline issues can be divided into two basic categories. Those related to:

  1. Classroom learning, assignment completion, and homework.
  2. Disruptive or disrespectful behaviour in and around the school.

For both of these categories, the first disciplinary steps are always in the classroom by the classroom teacher. Actions may include detention, informal contact with parents (a phone call), or formal parental contact (an interim report).

Disciplinary steps may move beyond the classroom teacher in several ways. For learning/assignment related issues, the process might include:

  • Referral to school social worker, counselors, or administrators for discussion/reprimand.
    • imposing a detention at lunch or after school to make up missed work
    • contact with parents by school social worker, counselors, or administrators
    • issuing an ‘I’ on an interim report or report card
  • For behavioural disciplinary issues, the process might include one or more of the following:
    • referral to school social worker, counselors, or administrators for discussion/reprimand
    • time out in the counselling area
    • lunch duty/restitution for one or more days
    • detention to be served at lunch or at another designated time
    • contact with parents by school social worker, counselors, or administrators
  • For more serious behavioural issues, or for students who have repeated disciplinary actions, the student may receive:
    • an in-school suspension, usually lasting 1 to 3 days
    • an out-of-school suspension, lasting 1 to 5 days
    • a suspension from school extra-curricular activities
    • a referral to outside agencies.

Students who have been identified with exceptional learning or behavioural issues have an ‘Individual Educational Plan’ created for them to support and extend the actions listed above.


School officials may have a responsibility to contact or advise other parties of serious breaches of the school code of conduct. This may include, though is not limited to:

  • Parents of the offending student
  • Parents of student victims of the offence
  • School district officials
  • Police and/or other social agencies
  • Entire school community


Student-Parent Appeal Bylaw

Student Conduct and Discipline Policy

Use of Illegal Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Fair Warning Brochure for Violent Threat Risks